
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

He Is Beautiful


Normally, I do something quiet and calm before I go to bed; but last night, I had a Christmas project that I wanted to finish.  You guessed it—when I got in bed, my mind was spinning; and I couldn’t go to sleep.  After several minutes, I realized what was happening and decided to focus on my God to settle my wandering mind.  My first words to Him were, “You are beautiful….”


I’m not typically one who pauses to give thought to common words.  I pretty much take things for granted.  When someone asks me the meaning of a word, I often have a general concept but have difficulty giving a definition.  Lately, however, God seems to be hitting my “pause” button when it comes to some of those everyday words. 

That’s what happened last night as soon as I thought, “You are beautiful.”  What do I mean when I say “beautiful”?  When I think of God, I don’t think of a gorgeous hunk of man.  I can’t even say that I think of God as having a handsome face.  So, what do I mean when I state that He is beautiful?  I need to figure that out.  It’s important for me to know what I'm saying.

Let’s backtrack for a moment.  Have you ever seen a woman who was stunningly beautiful or a man who was breathtakingly handsome?  Those statements typically refer to the outward appearance.  What if this beautiful woman or handsome man is selfish, bad-tempered, and mean.  After you realize what they’re like on the inside, somehow the outside isn’t as lovely.  Conversely, a homely man or woman who is unselfish, kind, and giving becomes attractive.

All of these thoughts went through my mind as I considered the meaning of “beautiful”, and I realized that—even though I have no idea what God “looks” like—He is beautiful because of who He is on the inside.  Faithful, perfect, holy, righteous, good, merciful, forgiving, loving, just, friend to the friendless, father to the fatherless, wise, generous…  I can never find enough words to describe Him.  He is beautiful!

You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful for comprehension
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp your infinite wisdom?
Who can fathom the depth of your love?
You are beautiful beyond description
Majesty enthroned above

And I stand, I stand in awe of you
I stand, I stand in awe of you
Holy God to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of you

--Mark Altrogge ©1987

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

He Is Holy


God is holy.  Holy.  What does that even mean?  My secular dictionary defined it as “belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power”.  That definition seems quite shallow.  I need to know more….


As I was thinking about God’s holiness, I remembered a scripture I learned:

“I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.”  (Leviticus 11:44)

My first reaction to that was that it’s impossible for me to be as holy as God is.  Why would He command me to do something that cannot be done?  That, of course, set my mind spinning.  I know that I can never be who God is—as faithful, as perfect, as holy, as anything.  God doesn’t expect me to be Him.  But I also believe that if God asks me to do anything, it can be done in His power.  I appeared to have a conflict here:  God was commanding me to do something (be holy because He’s holy) that could not be done.  Since God doesn’t lie, the problem had to be with the interpreter (me!).

So I pulled out the reference books and looked up that scripture.  God’s holiness conveys the idea of separation—that He is separate from all that He created.  It also refers to the ethical (for lack of a better word!) nature of His character.  Things that are connected with our Holy God are often referred to as holy, as well.  The temple was holy.  Moses stood on holy ground.  The priests and Levites were holy men.  People and things had to be “sanctified” or “consecrated” before they came before the Living God.  That involved following certain procedures to ensure cleanliness—washings, avoiding touching certain things, avoiding eating certain things, etc.

Those are Old Testament references.  What about the New Testament?  We are New Testament saints, aren’t we?  Jesus didn’t discard the old teachings; He took them to a deeper level.  The Old Testament said not to commit adultery.  Jesus said not to look upon another with lust in your heart.  The old teaching was taken to a deeper level.  So, as we speak of holiness, it is no longer sufficient to wash our hands and feet, to avoid touching a dead body, or to stop eating pork.  Jesus took us deeper.  It is now our hearts and minds that must be clean, our lives and characters that must be holy.  It is internal, not external.

As I first thought about what “holy” meant, I found myself thinking that it pretty much equated with “perfect”.  However, as I researched and did some more thinking, I realized that it is closer to “pure” or “clean”.  But none of that resolved my dilemma about God asking me to do the impossible.  Then, He spoke.  He never told me to be as holy as He is; He told me to be holy BECAUSE He is.  I can never reach His degree of holiness, but I can be holier than I am.  His holiness is not my unreachable goal; it is my example.  In this, as in all things, I must reflect Him.

Then, He spoke His encouragement into my heart.  I share it with you as we now go about our day:

“Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the Lord your God.  Keep my decrees and follow them.  I am the Lord, who makes you holy.”  (Leviticus 20:7-8)

Monday, December 8, 2014

He Is Perfect


It seems that, lately, God has been impressing upon me different aspects of who He is, different character traits.  This morning, I was particularly aware of how perfect He is.


Did you ever watch the movie, Mary Poppins?  Mary was described as being “practically perfect in every way”.  Well, our God isn’t “practically” perfect or “almost” perfect.  He is absolutely perfect!  He is perfect love, perfect peace, perfect wisdom, perfect knowledge.  Everything He does is perfect.  Everything He thinks is perfect.  Everything He says is perfect.  He NEVER makes a mistake!  He never has to apologize.  He never has to try to figure out how to fix a mess He’s made.

Can you imagine?  Being perfect.  Without fault.  I’m what people call a perfectionist.  I expect everything I do to be done perfectly.  Now, you and I both know that’s impossible; but that doesn’t change my expectations or keep me from trying.  Somewhere inside me is the belief that I should be.

That can sound noble because most of us believe that we should do everything to the best of our ability.  However, to expect myself—or more unfairly, anyone else—to be perfect is unrealistic and, I would suggest, a form of idolatry.  I say this because I know my own heart.  Frequently, my motive is not so much to please my Lord and bring honor to Him as it is to please myself—or more honestly, to please and impress other people.  

I’m not sure exactly what to do with all of this.  All I know is that my God is Perfect.  I don’t want to be a perfectionist.  I want to be my Father’s daughter.  I don’t want to focus so much on being and doing everything perfectly.  Rather, I want to focus on the One Who IS Perfect.  I want to honor Him.  Ahhhhh.  That’s it:  I want to reflect HIS perfection.

Friday, December 5, 2014

He Is Faithful


I was thinking this morning about how faithful our God is.  My mind went back to the Old Testament stories about God and His people, the Israelites—to how faithful He was to them and how unfaithful they were to Him.


If you know the history of the Israelite people, you know that God called them out for Himself.  He blessed them, took care of them, and gave them a land of their own.  In spite of this, they continually chased after other gods; ironically, the gods of their enemies.  Finally, after years of slavery, they stopped worshipping the foreign gods.  However, fallen human beings can never “stay on track”; and at that point instead of continuing to worship their God, they began to worship their religion.  They worshipped the law that had been given to show them that they were incapable of keeping it.  Though they were unable to obey God’s law, they added more to it.  They worshipped the temple, God’s dwelling place, instead of the One who dwelled there.  Even after He withdrew His Spirit, they continued to worship the building.  Their unfaithfulness is just astounding!

What’s that old saying?  When I point at you, I have three fingers pointing back at me.  That’s very applicable here.  Are we—am I—any different?  My pride tells me I am; but how many times a day do I disappoint my Savior?  How easy it is for my motives and my actions to fall away from Christ’s purity.  I’m selfish; and if I don’t stay in touch with my God, I think the world revolves around me.

In a posting I made just before Thanksgiving, I noted that Thanksgiving is becoming a “non-holiday”—or as a friend of mine stated, it’s “in danger of being black-Friday eve”.  Easter is the Easter bunny and “spring-fashion Sunday”.  Christmas is decorations, parties, presents, food, and family.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with getting some new clothes.  There’s nothing wrong with making the house look beautiful, with enjoying good food, or with celebrating with family and friends.  Those are good things.  But let’s remember WHY we’re celebrating!

As we go through this Christmas season, I challenge each of us to remember how faithful our Lord is to us.  Let us not worship the tree or the presents or even our time together.  Let’s worship the One born to save us—the One who gave us a reason to celebrate.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Being Thankful


There are so many things to be thankful for—all the time.  To me, Thanksgiving is one of our country’s best holidays!  However, with all the focus on Christmas these days, Thanksgiving has almost become a “non-holiday”.  Let’s forget about Christmas shopping and decorations for a little while and just be thankful to our God—most of all for who He is, but also for all He’s done.  He is worthy of our praise!!!


As I was being “thankful” this morning, God brought this song to my mind.  It’s a simple song, an old song—easily overlooked—but pay attention to the words.  This is my Thanksgiving offering to Him:

“Praise God from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”
--Thomas Ken, Awake, My Soul, and With the Sun, 1674

Lord, I praise you!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Hope In An Evil World


This world is evil.  Things happen that shouldn’t happen.  Wickedness, dysfunction, and unkindness seem to be rampant.  It weighs on my heart, a burden that is too heavy to bear.  I know—evil is always here; but sometimes, it hits in an unexpected manner or from many different directions and reminds me once again:  This world is evil.


Then, God speaks to me—again, the Always-Faithful One—and He reminds me that He has provided for me, even in this circumstance:

“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.  Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”  (2 Peter 1:3-4)

This is such a rich passage—complicated yet simple.  God, in His power, glory, and goodness, provided a way for me to ESCAPE the corruption in the world. 

Escape.  The word implies captivity.  Evil desires imprison us.  Sometimes, we’re the one doing the hurting.  Sometimes, we’re the one who’s hurt—either directly or because someone we care about has been hurt.  It’s an easy thing for us to focus on the hurt we feel.  Unfortunately, it’s just as easy for us to excuse the hurt we cause.  Either way, the consequences of those evil desires play havoc with our lives and with our world.

Yet, God doesn’t leave us in that helpless and hopeless state.  Rather than dwelling on the sentiments expressed in the previous paragraph, I go back to the one before that.  GOD, IN HIS POWER, GLORY, AND GOODNESS, PROVIDED A WAY FOR ME TO ESCAPE THE CORRUPTION IN THE WORLD!  As I know Him more and more, as I respond to His call, and as I receive and witness the fulfillment of His promises, I "participate in [His} divine nature and escape the corruption in the world”.  My own evil desires are replaced with the desire to be like Him, and the pain I experience as a result of the evil desires of others is covered with His healing oil. 

I wish I could tell you that I only have to do that once, but that would be a lie.  Just as a physical injury takes time to heal, these spiritual and emotional injuries usually take time.  Just as I repeatedly bandage a physical injury until it heals, I must repeatedly apply the 2 Peter 1:3-4 bandage to these wounds. 

We can hold on to the hope of His eternal kingdom, a kingdom of love and peace.  But while we’re still on this earth, He doesn’t leave us in despair.  As Daniel in the lion’s den, we can have hope and peace, even as Satan roars around us.  All this happens as we look past the circumstances and focus on HIM.

When I do that, the burden eases; and I am at peace.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Who Am I...Really?


Human beings are pretty complex.  Different people can meet the same person under different circumstances and come away with completely different ideas about what he or she is really like.  Even when the same two people are interacting, sometimes one (or both) of them will be “different” than they usually are.  I’m talking about what we would consider basic personality traits—kind, mean, considerate, selfish, grumpy, etc.  It made me ask the question that would ultimately come to anyone’s mind:  Who am I…really


I was thinking of a couple of people that I met and interacted with for a while.  One had some personality traits that could be—I hate to say it—annoying.  That one was a bit “high maintenance”.  The other was undemanding and, in general, easier to deal with.  That’s what you noticed at first glance; but when their circumstances were stressful, what you saw was different.  In that place, the high-maintenance one was unselfish and loving.  The easy-going one was actually difficult and, at times, unkind.

Who were they, really?  Do stress and age and difficulty change who we are?  Or do they reveal who we are?  Do we mask the “real” person with the opposite—the “who we want to be”—until stress takes over?  Or are we actually both persons?  If I am, indeed, both, how do I ensure that the desirable one is the one revealed in my old age or in those difficult times?  The thought is frightening.  I want to be loving, kind, considerate, and unselfish.  Will I be that?  Or will I be demanding and self-absorbed?

They say that the real you is exposed when you’re at the end of your rope.  I’m starting to believe that, if I’m different in those circumstances, it’s not the “real” me that’s revealed but the “other” me.  The fallen me is that demanding and self-absorbed person; but the redeemed me is like Him:  loving, kind, considerate, and unselfish.

The question is not “Who am I, really?”  The question is whether I will, in the power of the Spirit, exhibit the identity I have in Him.  If I will do that, I need not fear showing who I am.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Does It Matter What I Believe?


What do I believe?  Is it even important and, in the long run, does it really matter?  The answer is both yes and no.


Those questions came to me this morning as I was praising God the Creator, the Maker of everything that exists.  My thoughts went to the debate over creation.  There are those who believe that the earth and everything in it was created in a literal six days.  There are those who believe that all of this was created by a big bang.  There are those who have different opinions that range somewhere between the two extremes.

For me, and this will horrify those who are more scientific and more intelligent than I, the exact “how” of creation doesn’t matter.  The bottom line for me is that GOD did the creating.  Did He do it in a literal six days?  Great.  Did each of those “days” in Genesis represent an age or some period of time?  Great.  Genesis 1 tells us, “And God said….”  Did God speak, and His voice create a “big bang”?  (I can believe that God’s voice could have that effect!)  Great.  My belief that God is the Only and Ultimate Creator is unshakeable.  Nothing that science can prove can shake that belief.  Because to me, it doesn’t matter HOW He did it; it only matters THAT He did it.

(And to rest the minds of those who are horrified, I do believe that God created man, CREATED him, not evolved him!)

So, as I pondered these things this morning, my mind went to the questions asked in the Comments section above:  does it matter what I believe?

Yes, what I believe matters to me and, really, to those who are influenced by me.  It is important that my life and words are truth and not deception.

No, what I believe doesn’t change reality.  Truth is truth, whether I believe it or not.

Somehow, I find that comforting.  Truth is truth.  I cannot in any way change it.  Truth is a solid, unshakeable foundation.  My commission, then, is to search for it, to find it, and to believe it.  That’s what matters.  And where do I search?  Truth is not a thing or a concept.  Truth is a person.  God is Truth.  I find truth when I find Him.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Enlightened Hope


How’s everything going in your life right now?  Is it “smooth sailing”?  I know some folks who are in “rough seas”.  Close relationships are strained; and as a result, the skies are dark and the waters stormy.  I’ve prayed a lot for them—and like everyone in my shoes, I wish I could do something tangible to help.


Then, God speaks.  He gives direction to my prayers and tells me to speak hope into those lives.  Hope—that sometimes elusive element that completely changes one’s perspective.

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people.”  --Ephesians 1:18

When we’re in a dark place in our lives, there can be no better prayer than the one that pleads for enlightenment.  Satan inhabits the darkness, but darkness cannot exist in the presence of the Holy One, for He IS light!  And what does that Light reveal?  According to this verse, it reveals hope!  Whatever the darkness, His child is not stuck there because God’s light brings hope—hope for reconciliation, hope for healing, hope for an answer to the problem, hope, hope, hope!

The words following Paul’s statement about hope are very interesting.  The way I read it (once again, I remind you that I’m no theologian), hope is a golden nugget; it is a “glorious inheritance” to us, His holy people.  It is, indeed, a glorious thing to be able to have hope in the midst of a dark world or dark circumstances.  With hope, we are not left to drown in the stormy seas, for our Lord throws us a life raft.  All we have to do is trust Him and climb aboard.  He will take us to that quiet place where joy and peace and hope prevail.

As we experience the hope our Lord gives, we feel encouraged; and we are strengthened:

“but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  --Isaiah 40:31

Finally, even though hope makes us feel better, there is an even higher purpose—God’s glory revealed to those around us:

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”  --1 Peter 3:15

This verse assumes two things:  that you HAVE hope and that it SHOWS in your life and conversation.

Hope—a gift from God, an inheritance for His people, a source of encouragement and strength, and a beacon to those lost in a dark world!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Astonishing Discovery


Most of us are familiar with Psalm 139:14.  That’s the verse that says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  I usually hear that in reference to pregnancy or newborn babies.  However, the Lord gave me a new frame of reference for that verse this morning.  It came with an astonishing discovery:  I like me!


I hope that doesn’t sound arrogant.  But I have to tell you, that’s a startling and remarkable statement!  I’ve spent the majority of my life NOT liking myself.  Now, don’t get me wrong—I’m not saying that I like everything I say and everything I do.  I’m not saying I’ve got it all together.  God still has a lot of work to do!  I think the thing I’ve “discovered” is that I’ve finally accepted Psalm 139:14 and other verses like it in the Bible.  God made me.  God loves me.  God thinks I’m wonderful!  Even though He hasn't yet finished His work on me, He’s done amazing things in me.  As I’ve said in previous posts, I’m not who I was.  I’m changed.  And I like me.

As I process that, I realize that says more about God than it does about me.  He’s been trying to pound into my head how much He loves me, how much He’s done for me, how much He longs to use me.  He’s been calling me to Himself and to His point of view.  It’s ironic that in my self-centered little world, I focus on myself.  In my perfectionism I see my flaws and feel like a lousy human being.  But when I focus on my Lord, I see myself through the eyes of the Perfect One.  I see one who is accepted, and I can accept myself.  I can even accept the flaws because I know that my God has accepted me just as I am but is not going to leave me that way.

Satan has really done a number on us.  We think that we need to focus on our sins, but God calls us to repent and focus on our forgiveness.  We think humility is "putting ourselves down", but God says that humility is seeing ourselves as He sees us even as we recognize our own unworthiness.  Satan has convinced too many of us that “groveling” is humble and righteous.  I believe that living in the victory He has purchased for us is the only way that we can find true humility and righteousness.  Then, we can see everything—even ourselves—as He does.  And we can like what we see ;-).

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  (Psalm 139:14)

Thursday, October 16, 2014



The Lord has been silent over the last several days.  Well, either He’s been silent or I haven’t been hearing Him.  I’ve experienced this before.  To be honest, I don’t like it.  I long to hear His voice again, to be awed and inspired by something new and fresh, to share it with you.  Maybe that’s the purpose behind the silence—to make me hungry for Him.


This morning, I was drawn to Psalm 25:4-5.  Actually, it’s pretty funny the way it happened ;-).  I was praying and reading my Bible, and I looked around the room.  As I looked, I decided I didn’t like the way the wall hangings were arranged.  (Have I mentioned that I’m sometimes easily distracted?)  Suddenly, I remembered that my good friend had given me a new one for my birthday and that I hadn’t yet hung it.  So, I retrieved it.  (Remember, I’m supposed to be having my quiet time!)  Guess what verse was on the plaque she’d given me?  Psalm 25:4-5!  God can even speak to the wandering mind of His restless servant ;-).

Anyway, back to Psalm 25:4-5.  I don’t really have any exciting new thoughts about these verses, but I just find the words very encouraging.  I want to share that encouragement with you.

“Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” (Psalm 25:4-5)

I had just been praying that I would honor the Lord in everything I do today and found the same desire in this psalm that David wrote thousands of years ago. 

Lord, I long to do what You want me to do.  I long to be who You want me to be.  As David said, “Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.”

You are my guide, Lord.  You are my teacher.  YOU are my hope.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

This Just Doesn't Make Sense


There are things that happen in this world that just don’t make sense.


It happened yesterday.  The text and then the phone call.  A young man that I met in recent months tried to end his life.  He’s a fine, Christian young man.  A good friend to his friends.  Nice-looking.  Smart.  Kind.

The obvious question that we all ask is “why?”  I don’t know him well, and I have no idea what’s going on in his life that prompted him to try such a drastic measure.  Even if I knew, I wouldn’t say here—that’s private.  I do know, however, that, unfortunately, I hear news like this way too often these days. 

Being a teenager is tough.  I remember it all too well.  As I’ve mentioned before, I was bullied, insecure, and felt worthless.  Being young and inexperienced, I believed the lie.  Tragically, most young people believe the lies Satan tells them, often using other people who are also young and inexperienced.

The TRUTH needs to be emphasized over and over and over to these young people—actually, to “young people” of every age who feel less valuable than they are.  What is the truth?  It’s that God’s opinion is the only one that matters!  Why is it so easy for me to believe a lie I tell myself or that another human being tells me instead of a truth that God tells me?  Does having “skin” make a statement more valid?  I’d think that being too big for skin would make what’s said more important and more believable.

What does God say to this young man and to all of us?  He says:  “You are significant.  You are beautiful.  You are accepted.  You are secure.  You are loved.  You have incredible value.  You are worth everything I sacrificed.”  Then He adds, “Don’t believe the evil that is said to or about you by anyone!

We were never promised that this life would be easy, but He did promise that He will be with us every step of the way.  He gives each of us a purpose.  YOU have a purpose, and this world will not be what it should be without you.  Don’t deprive the world of the gift of you.

That’s the truth.  Now, go out there and share it.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

God, You Are.... More


Since my last posting, I’ve been thinking a lot about the attributes of our God.  I’ve realized that those attributes fall into two categories:  WHO He is at His core—His Being—and Who He is to me and in my life.  He challenged me to seek Him from A to Z—in both classifications.  The list below is just a few of the characteristics of our undefinable God.


A = God is ALL-KNOWING. He is my ANSWER.
B = God is BLAMELESS. He is my BOUNTY.
C = God is COMPLETE. He is my CARETAKER.
D = God is DIVINE. He is my DEFENDER.
G = God is GOOD. He is my GLORY.
H = God is HIGH. He is my HOPE.
J = God is JEHOVAH. He is my JOY.
K = God is KIND. He is my KEEPER.
L = God is LIGHT. He is my LAUGHTER.
M = God is MASTER. He is my MOTIVATOR.
N = God is NOBLE. He is my NURTURER.
P = God is PERFECT. He is my PEACE.
Q = God is QUICK TO FORGIVE. He is my QUIET.
R = God is REDEEMER. He is my REASON.
S = God is SANCTUARY. He is my SECURITY.
T = God is TRUTH. He is my TREASURE.
V = God is VIRTUOUS. He is my VICTORY.
W = God is WORTHY. He is my WEALTH.
X*= God is CHRIST. He is my CHRIST.
Y = God is YAHWEH. He is my YES.
Z = God is ZEALOUS. He is my ZENITH.

God is all this—and so much MORE!

*My research indicates that “X” has been used for “Christ” since at least the 15th or 16th century.  Some relate it to the Greek alphabet and some to the letter’s resemblance to a cross.  It is historical and not an attempt to keep Christ out of Christmas or any other aspect of Christianity as some believe.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

God, You Are....


I usually start my “quiet-time” prayers by acknowledging God—who He is.  Some days the list of His attributes is quite long—powerful, just, righteous, holy, provider, protector, sustainer.  The list, like He, is infinite.  Today, I couldn’t get past the first word I said….


Awesome.  God, you are awesome!  It’s like everything else You are falls under that description.  Awesome—beyond comprehension.  Awesome is defined as “inspiring awe or admiration or wonder”.  That should say “and”, not “or”.  You inspire awe AND admiration AND wonder in me.

I’m not highly intelligent.  Oh, I made very good grades in school—to the point of receiving honors at college graduation—but I’m smart at books, not at original thoughts.  Had I not married my deep-thinking husband, it never would have crossed my mind to wonder how I got here.  It was he who wondered how the universe came into being or if it was always here.  It was he who questioned if there was a Creator.  It was he, with his scientific mind, who reasoned that all of this couldn’t have just happened!  Of course, it was God who made him and his beautiful mind and inspired those thoughts and questions.  And it was God who gave him the answers, taking them beyond the mind and into his heart, revealing Himself as not just the Creator but as a very Personal God.

I find that AWESOME.  I, the “acceptor” of circumstances and worlds, would never have been able to experience this awe and wonder had I not seen the depth of God in my husband’s journey.  And when I see how awesome my God is, I realize how small I am.  My mind cannot even comprehend the greatness of God; how can I think myself so important?  I can do nothing of what He does.  I can’t keep the planets in place or the earth turning.  I can’t bring rain or snow or sun.  I can’t cause plants and flowers to grow.  I can’t create new life—a tadpole or a duckling or a fawn or a human baby.  I can’t orchestrate lives and bring good out of evil.  Only God, the Creator—my Creator—can do such wonders.

But my Creator reminds me that I’m important to Him—important enough that He died for me.  That’s the most awesome thing of all. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

What Did Jesus Look Like?

When I was a kid, I was active in church so I saw lots of pictures of Jesus—mostly the famous ones that you’ve seen, too.  It’s understandable that Jesus would be the subject of so many paintings; it seems we always wonder what people look like if we’ve never seen them.  In the pictures, He usually looked pretty much the same—long hair, serene and angelic face, often halo-topped.  I haven’t really thought about those paintings in years.  A few days ago, God brought them—and other things—to my mind.


My (weird) thought processes started with the notion that I don’t want to be the kind of Christian that I grew up thinking was the ideal.  That Christian was perfect—perfectly stiff, unemotional, and boring. 

I don’t think Jesus was that way at all!  I said that in the pictures, Jesus looked “serene”.  The dictionary defines serenity as “a disposition free from stress or emotion”.  I think Jesus was “free from stress” but definitely not “free from emotion”!  I know He cried when Lazarus died.  I know He got angry at the moneychangers at the Temple.  I believe He was disappointed when James and John argued about who would be first in His kingdom—and when Peter denied Him.  But I also think His face lit up when He saw someone He knew.  I think He laughed.  I think He could probably tell a joke better than anyone.  I think He had fun and those around Him had fun, too.  I think He was more than angelic but not stiff and boring.  Bottom line:  He was “perfect”ly human!

Obviously, He had a serious side, as well.  Anyone who dealt with the Pharisees had to have some “seriousness” in their personality.  He had some pretty important “serious” things to tell His disciples and apostles that needed to be passed on to us.  After all, He was here on earth to complete serious business.  But I think we do Him a major disservice when we pigeonhole Him as being serious all the time.

As I’ve mentioned frequently recently, I want to be like Jesus.  My most recent series of postings was about “looking” like Him in my daily life.  I guess that’s why the Lord brought those pictures to my mind this week. 

Now, anyone who knows me will tell you that my personality isn’t a bubbly one!  That’s okay, but I don’t want to be stiff and boring.  I want to be serious when the situation calls for it but laugh my head off at a good, clean joke!  I want to be holy but fun!  Now, I’m not saying that will be easy; but the more I allow the Holy Spirit to invade my life, the more it’s likely to happen.

Hey, looking like Jesus can bring a smile to your face ;-)!

Monday, September 22, 2014

True Love Flowing


True love, God’s love, should make an impact.  It should impact me; and through me, it should impact those around me.  That sounds like a tall order; but if it’s really true love, it’s not a “decision” because it flows out of the abundance within me. 


True love in action is not a list of things I should or should not do.  A list is usually quite overwhelming to my limited mind—and it actually distracts me and changes my motivation.  The key is for me to listen to the Holy Spirit as He tells me what True Love looks like in my life at this moment.  I need to focus on that—nothing else.  He doesn’t expect me to do everything at once. 

I have a physical issue that’s causing me to experience significant fatigue.  I’m used to being active, and this has been getting me down.  God has been showing me that my negativity about this is discouraging not only to me but also to my family and friends.  He wants me to be positive and encouraging—that’s what will bring Him glory and be uplifting to other people.  So, I must learn how to be honest about how I feel in a way that brings glory to God and encouragement to others.  That won’t happen instantly; but as I listen to Him, it will become more and more natural.  And His love will flow through me.

What’s going on with you right now?  Whatever it is, it’s an opportunity for True Love to change you and impact those around you.  Don’t let the opportunity pass.  Let True Love flow!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

True Love in Action (Part 2)


Remember my comment a couple of days ago about the Lord speaking the same message to me from many different sources?  Well, today’s sermon was on the same basic thing that my recent blogs have discussed:  lives that live Jesus Christ.


Okay, last time we discussed Philippians 2:1-2 and Ephesians 5:8—being like-minded with Jesus and being light to those around us.  Let’s see what else our Savior has to say….

“Who is wise and understanding among you?  Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”  (James 3:13)

This is the next verse in our journey.  I see the theme of being like-minded with Christ continued here.  Isn’t He wise?  Understanding?  Humble?  Didn’t Jesus live a “good life”?  How is a “good life” defined?  I’ve always heard about “living the good life”; but that usually referred to wealth and fame.  That’s not what James is saying here.  Jesus’ good life was materially poor but spiritually rich.  It was not self-serving but selfless.  If I live the good life referred to here, it will lead to the next words in the verse:  deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.  Isn’t that interesting?  Godly wisdom doesn’t lead to arrogance; it leads to humility.

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”  (Philippians 2:3-4)

Do you think God values humility?  I’d say He does!  Paul tells us the same thing in Philippians that we just read in James.  Don’t be selfish or conceited!  Put others ahead of yourself (as Jesus did)!  Be humble!  I remember something I heard as a child—probably in church, although I don’t really remember where it came from.  It was a little saying that went like this, "Jesus first.  Others second.  Me third."  That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”  (Ephesians 4:29)

Ouch.  Those words don’t just mean that I’m not to be a gossip.  “Don’t let ANY unwholesome talk come out of [my] mouth.”  Gossip isn’t the only thing that’s unwholesome.  What about those times when I get up on the “wrong side of the bed” and am just (to be honest!) grumpy.  I gripe about small things.  I’m unappreciative of small kindnesses.  I’m not that way all the time, but I shouldn’t be that way at all, ever.  When those words come out of my mouth, I’m NOT building other people up; I’m tearing them down.  And if anyone else hears, they’re torn down, too, because it’s not uplifting to listen to that stuff!  Referring to James once again, he says:

“The tongue also is a fire….It corrupts the whole person....All kinds of animals…have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue.”  (James 3:6-8)

But don’t despair!  Jesus tames it if we let Him.  In fact, we can accomplish NOTHING of what we’ve been discussing in our own strength.  That’s why Jesus is our Redeemer and our Savior.  He is our source, our strength, and our victory!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

True Love in Action (Part 1)


Love—an action verb not a noun.  Let’s explore that some more….


“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.  God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” 

That’s 1 John 4:16, one of the verses from the last posting.  There are many wonderful words and wonderful thoughts and promises in that verse, but the words that jumped out at me were “whoever lives in love”.  What is it like to live in love?

I believe that the answer to that question could take days to explore and discuss.  The personal application would radically affect my feelings of self-worth.  Imagine!  I am living in and experiencing Christ’s love!  But “personal” application isn’t what the Lord is speaking to me today.  Instead, He leads me to a different question:  If I “live in love”, how does that affect my life in this world and with other people?  So, that’s where we’ll go today.  Our journey will be made through several Bible verses that He has given me.  Here we go.

“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”  (Philippians 2:1-2)

As a Christian, I am living in Christ and He in me.  Since that’s true, He encourages me and comforts me.  I am guided by His Spirit.  He is tender and compassionate to me.  If I am living in love, I am to be all those things to the people around me.  I always read that statement about being “like-minded” as meaning I am to be in agreement with other believers.  That may be true, but what our Lord has revealed to me today is that I am to be like HIM.  I am to have HIS love, HIS spirit, HIS mind. 

“For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light.”  (Ephesians 5:8)

If I am living in love, I will be light to those around me.  Light, not darkness.  Hope, not despair.  Jesus, not Satan.  Question:  How do I treat others?  Am I light, hope, and Jesus to them?

There are a few more verses that He wants us to look at.  However, in the interest of keeping this a reasonable length, we’ll look at them tomorrow.  

Be like-minded today!  Be light!

Friday, September 19, 2014

True Love


It seems that when God speaks to me on a subject I see the message repeated everywhere.  Does that happen to you?  This week, He’s been speaking to me about love.


Love.  A popular notion.  A popular subject.  A popular theme in films!  There are so many kinds of love, though.  Finding “true love” is what made Disney a success.  What little girl hasn’t seen Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty and dreamed of finding her “prince” one day?  Then, there’s friendship love—precious and dear.  There’s love for your children or parents or siblings.  There are many kinds of love; but sometimes, the word is misused.  Physical love is what’s seen in way too many movies, but I dare to suggest that what’s promoted there isn’t love at all.  I “love” chocolate or a book or a TV show.

“God is love.”  That’s what the Bible tells us.  How in the world can the same word be used to define God and also my feelings about chocolate?  I’ve never studied Greek, but I’m told that language has many different words for our one word.  I think they had the right idea….

“True love”, not as Disney defined it but as God defined it, is what the Bible is all about.  And what does the Bible say?  It says that love, true love, is not a noun but is, instead, an action verb.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 
--John 3:16 NIV

Are you a believer in Jesus Christ?  If not, the One True God, who lives beyond time and space, longs for you to accept the love He showed in the life and death and resurrection of His only Son.  Confess your sins and accept Him, and you will have God’s peace and guidance now and will live with Him forever!

If you are a believer, you have God!

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.  God is love.  Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” 
--1 John 4:16

What an incredibly wonderful thing!  God lives in me!  Profound!  But as I ponder that thought, it digs deeper into my heart.  Earlier, I said that love is not a noun; it’s an action verb.  If that’s true, God “living in me” should be not just a profound thought.  It should have a profound influence on who I am and what I do.

Sounds like this subject needs to continue next time….

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Miracle


I recently had my bathroom remodeled.  It seems there should be a blog in that somewhere….


It looks nothing like it looked a few weeks ago.  Which is weird.  The space is the same.  The shape is the same.  Even the vanity is the same, although it has new doors and drawers.  But the paint is a different color.  There are new towels and rugs.  The picture on the wall is different.  The mirror still shows my reflection, but it’s a nicer mirror.  How can something that’s still the same be so different?

That’s something like becoming a Christian, isn’t it?  I still have the same body—it’s still the same shape and size.  (Well, becoming a Christian didn’t change that—age did!)  But the inside is different.  When I look in the “mirror”, I see a new reflection:  I see myself as God sees me.  When I look at the “picture”, I see the world and my circumstances through His eyes; and that puts a different slant on them.  Those new wall colors and rugs and towels represent the new me on the inside—my “outside” may look the same, but my “inside” is new and fresh and vibrant and pretty.

The bathroom didn’t change overnight.  It took some time.  And although I was instantly new, all those changes in me didn’t happen overnight when I accepted Christ.  Just as I am continuing to make modifications to the bathroom (new light switches, etc.), God continues to “modify” me.  Eventually, the bathroom will be finished, just as I, too, will ultimately be complete. 

As I think about all of this, only one word comes to mind—MIRACLE.  It takes a miracle to change someone on the inside, to change them at their core.  Our God is in the miracle business, though; and if you allow Him to touch you, you’ll be different, too.  That’s a promise—HIS promise.

What is God’s greatest miracle?  Well, I guess we could debate that; but in my heart I truly believe that God’s greatest miracle is ME.

So many people look for signs and wonders
They miss the greatest miracle of all.
Well it's the miracle of sweet salvation.
That's when the God of heaven
Comes down to live inside of someone's heart.

And I believe in miracles.
I'm a miracle myself.
And I believe the good Lord hears
The ones who cry for help.
And after all that He has done for me
I believe, I do believe in miracles.
                                         --Miracles by Newsong

Saturday, August 16, 2014



God has recently been speaking to me, as evidenced by some of my posts, about my sin and His mighty work of salvation and purification.  He continued that theme this morning.


I have a tendency to think of myself as okay, even good.  That’s easy to do when I get self-righteous and make the wrong comparisons.  That’s probably why He has pointed me so often lately to my sin, but He has never left me in that pit.  He always reminds me of His redeeming work.  He calls me to Himself and to righteousness.  One aspect of my morning prayer today was that He will work in me to purify me and make me more like Him.  He took me to 2 Corinthians 6:14b-7:1:

“For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common?  Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?  What harmony is there between Christ and Belial?  What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?  What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?  For we are the temple of the living God.  As God has said:  ‘I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.  Therefore, come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.  Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.  I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.’

“Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”

When I’m not making one of my common self-righteous comparisons, I compare myself to Paul, desiring to reach his level of commitment to Jesus.  But that, too, is a wrong comparison.  Paul points me not to himself but to Jesus Christ.  Jesus is my standard.  Being like Him is my goal.

So, this morning, He issued me a challenge:  “Is your heart willing?  Do you really want to be like Me?”  If my answer is “yes”, He tells me in this passage what I’m to do. I’m to separate myself from this fallen world.  I’m not to be contaminated by the evil that rules here.  I have a choice.  It’s my choice.  I make the decision--choose to be influenced by the world or choose those things that lead to purity and righteousness.  If I am, indeed, “the temple of the living God” as He says here, my choices should reflect that.  I will make the right choices “out of reverence for God.” 

And, as always, He gives me love and encouragement in the form of a promise:

“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my…daughter.”
(2 Corinthians 6:18)

Lord, help me to remember that as I make choices today—and tomorrow—and always.

Friday, August 15, 2014

I Am New


There’s always something that I need to confess.  That’s very disappointing.  Perfectionist that I am, it seems that I should LEARN!  Why do I so often have to confess the same thing I confessed yesterday?  If I take the “glass half empty” approach, it’s very discouraging.  But wait!  God says the glass isn’t “half full”—it’s spilling over!


It’s true that I disappoint me.  I long to be that servant of God who always hears, always obeys, is always holy and righteous.  The reality, however, is that as long as I am in this body, I will not, cannot be that person.  But, praise God, I am His; and He is at work!  My God is not a God of discouragement.  He is a God of hope and peace and joy and opportunity.  And although I often blow it, He forgives me and gives me another chance…and another…and another…and….  By the blood of Christ, He sees not the sinner but the saint; not the current me but the completed and perfected me.

As He so often does, He spoke this truth to me in a song.  This time it happened to be I Am New by Jason Gray.  Listen with me:

Now I won't deny
The worst you could say about me
But I'm not defined
By mistakes that I've made
Because God says of me

I am not who I was
I am being remade
I am new
I am chosen and holy
And I'm dearly loved
I am new

Who I thought I was
And who I thought I had to be
I had to give them both up
Cause neither were willing
To ever believe

I am not who I was
I am being remade
I am new
I am chosen and holy
And I'm dearly loved
I am new

Too long I have lived
In the shadows of shame
Believing that there
Was no way I could change
But the one who is making everything new
Doesn't see me the way that I do
He doesn't see me the way that I do

I am not who I was
I am being remade
I am new
I am chosen and holy
And I'm dearly loved
I am new

I am not who I was
I am being remade I am new
Dead to the old man, I'm coming alive
I am new

Forgiven beloved
Hidden in Christ
Made in the image of the Giver of Life
Righteous and holy
Reborn and remade
Accepted and worthy, this is our new name

This is who we are now...

Now, that’s a glass that’s overflowing!